Multi dintre voi ati inceput antrenamentul cu scopul de a participa la Carpathian MTB Epic. Indiferent daca aveti de gand sa concurati la cel mai inalt nivel sau pur si simplu doriti sa ajungeti la linia de sosire in fiecare zi si sa traiti din plin experienta, exista o serie de componente importante pe care ar trebui sa le includeti in cadrul pregatirii pentru cursa.
Suntem incantati sa lucram inca o data cu Rule 5 Cycling Coaching, condus de Ian Jeneer, pentru a va asigura ca sunteti in cea mai buna forma posibila pentru acest eveniment. In acest an, Ian este si antrenorul echipei Evergreen MTB Race Team, care a avut rezultate excelente la cursa, in 2018.
Rule 5 Cycling Coaching ofera un plan de pregatire personalizat pentru a va asigura ca va instruiti inteligent si eficient. Veti beneficia de indrumarea si feedback-ul zilnic al unui antrenor britanic de ciclism, Ian Jenner, care este, de asemenea, un antrenor calificat Training Peaks, experimentat in analiza fisierelor de antrenament, atat pe baza Puterii cat si a Frecventei Cardiace.
Prin programul de formare personalizat, adaptat nevoilor fiecarui ciclist, Rule 5 Cycling Coaching va ajuta sa identificati greselile si sa gasiti modalitati de a dezvolta o tehnica mai buna. Raspunderea mentinerii unui program de antrenament si sustinerea unui antrenor va vor permite sa ramaneti concentrati si motivati. Fara incercari neinspirate, fara greseli, doar progres!
Planurile individuale de antrenament realizate de Rule 5 Cycling Coaching utilizeaza programul Training Peaks (inclus in toate planurile), care ofera o abordare structurata si informativa a planului de formare. Beneficiile programului includ:
Incepeti astazi cu abordarea personalizata de antrenament. Asigurati-va ca sunteti in cea mai buna forma posibila inainte de startul provocarii Carpathian MTB Epic.
Planuri speciale sunt disponibile la cerere pentru a se potrivi cu nevoile ciclistilor.
Program Introductiv – Contacteaza-ne pentru pret
Program Intermediar – Contacteaza-ne pentru pret
Programul Intermediar include toate beneficiile Programului Introductiv plus urmatoarele:
Program Avansat – Contacteaza-ne pentru pret
Programul Avansat include toate beneficiile Programului Introductiv plus urmatoarele:
Marcin – “Ian has helped me on many occasions with my cycling training and fitness. He is a very experienced cyclist and has a deep knowledge of the subject and is very supportive.”
Streety – “Ian is a very experienced and knowledgeable cycling coach who has done much to improve me as a cyclist. He can provide tailored training plans, advice on nutrition and re hydration and is a great motivator.”
4t Velo Race Team – “Great summer of coaching from Ian. Was great that he managed to incorporate sessions for the whole squad from Juniors to Cat 2 some of which meant that we trained as a team, it really bought us together.”
Jose Luis Miguel – “From Cat 4 to Cat 3 in one season and only 5 races, thanks Ian. Those sprint sessions really nailed it for me !!!”
Julie – “Ian has helped me ride London to Manchester as well as tackling London to Paris and Ride London 100. He has a great knowledge, is patient and fits the training around you. It was great to see my progression over the weeks which ensured that I completed the challenges feeling surprisingly good at the end. Little does he realize that I am thinking of doing the Etape next year !!”
Neil Manning – “2.5 hours off my previous Ride London time – never though it would be possible when Ian told me I could do it in 6 hours. Mind you I suffered on the turbo a bit but as they say no pain no gain….tks Ian so much, chuffed to bits.”
Algarve Velo – “Ian and Rule 5 Cycling Coach offers reliable and experienced methodology for cycling performance improvements. Climbing training camps outside of UK have been a strong focus of Rule 5 Cycling Coach programs.”